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TC007 - As an administrator, I want to monitor server loads with a GUI.

Test Case description Verify that administrators can monitor server load metrics using the provided graphical user interface (GUI)
Test Case ID TC007
Autohor/Designer Iiro Peuhkuri
Date of creation 22.3.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

Verify that administrators can monitor server load metrics using the provided graphical user interface (GUI).

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * The system is deployed on one or more servers. * Server load monitoring tools are installed and configured. * The administrator has access to the monitoring GUI.

Test steps

  1. Access the GUI:
  • Log in to the monitoring GUI using administrator credentials.
  • Navigate to the section displaying server load metrics.
  1. Visualizations:
  • Verify that the GUI displays CPU usage metrics (e.g., percentage utilization, charts over time).
  • Verify that the GUI displays memory usage metrics (e.g., available RAM, charts over time).
  • Verify that the GUI displays disk I/O metrics (if applicable).
  • Verify that the GUI displays network traffic metrics (if applicable).
  1. Customization:
  • If applicable, test the ability to adjust time ranges for displayed data.
  • If applicable, test the ability to select specific servers to monitor.
  • If applicable, test any filtering or sorting features related to the displayed data.
  1. Data Accuracy: (If Possible)
  • While monitoring under load, compare the GUI metrics to external tools or system commands to spot-check their accuracy.

Test end-state

  • Log out of the administrator GUI.

To be taken into account during test

  • Data Freshness: Verify that metrics update in real-time or according to a specified refresh interval.
  • Alerting: If applicable, test how the GUI handles threshold-based alerts for server loads.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

PASS: * Admin access to the GUI is successful. * Relevant visuals (graphs, etc.) present CPU, memory, disk, networking data. * Customizations function as expected. * Data appears accurate and up-to-date.

FAIL: * Unable to access the GUI, or significant portions are missing. * Missing visualizations for key load metrics. * Data is incorrect or doesn't update. * Customization features do not work.