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TC005 - As a user, I want the dark mode colors to not pop out as much

Test Case description Check that the dark mode colors are subdued and do not stand out excessively.
Test Case ID TC005
Autohor/Designer Iiro Peuhkuri
Date of creation 22.3.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that the application's dark mode has been optimized to ensure colors are comfortable for viewing without causing strain or distraction, particularly in low-light environments and the text should be easy to read.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * The application is running with dark mode enabled using the previous color settings.

Test steps

  1. Ensure dark mode is activated in the application settings.
  2. Navigate through various sections of the application to observe the color scheme.
  3. Verify that all text is readable and that no colors are excessively bright or distracting.
  4. Check the color contrast of foreground elements against the dark background to ensure it is comfortable for reading.
  5. Test the application under different lighting conditions to evaluate color comfort and readability.
  6. Take screenshots of the application interface to document the color scheme used in dark mode.
  7. Compare the current color scheme with the previous version to assess the improvements.

Test end-state

  • The application remains in dark mode with the updated color scheme, ready for further use or evaluation.

To be taken into account during test

  • User feedback on the previous dark mode color scheme
  • Best practices for designing dark mode interfaces
  • Accessibility standards for color contrast and readability

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The application's dark mode uses a color scheme that is universally comfortable for viewing, with text readability maintained across all sections. No elements stand out excessively or cause visual discomfort.
  • FAIL condition: Any part of the application uses colors that are too bright, causing strain or distraction, or if the color contrast makes text hard to read.