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TC004 - As a data analyst, I want to export data to csv from the database

Test Case description Successful data export
Test Case ID TC004
Autohor/Designer Iiro Peuhkuri
Date of creation 25.3.2024
Class Functional

Test description / objective

This test case will verify that a data analyst can successfully export selected data from the database to a CSV file.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * The database is accessible. * Sample data is present in the database. * The user has the necessary permissions to perform data exports.

Test steps

  1. Access Export Feature: Navigate to the data export functionality within the application or interface.

  2. Select Data:

  • Choose the specific dataset or table to be exported.
  • If applicable, apply any filters or criteria to narrow down the exported data.
  1. Specify CSV Format: Ensure the CSV file format is selected as the export output.

  2. Configuration: (If applicable)

  • Select options for delimiters (commas, tabs, etc.).
  • Choose if column headers should be included.
  1. Execute Export:
  • Initiate the export process.
  • Provide a suitable file name and desired save location.
  1. Validate CSV File:
  • Open the exported CSV file in a spreadsheet program or text editor.
  • Verify the data is structured correctly (columns, rows match expectations).
  • Ensure headers are included (if the option was selected).
  • Spot-check data accuracy against the database source.

Test end-state

  • The CSV file is saved to the specified location. Exporting data works

To be taken into account during test

  • Test with different dataset sizes for performance and scaling.
  • Attempt to export various data types supported by CSV format.
  • If applicable, test how special characters and encoding are handled.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

PASS: * Data can be selected and exported to a CSV file. * File opens correctly and the data is formatted as expected. * The content of the CSV file matches the data in the database.

FAIL: * The export function is inaccessible or errors occur. * The CSV file is corrupt or unreadable. * The data is incorrect, incomplete, or misformatted.