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TC007 Count average traffic in chosen area

Test Case description Verify that users can select an area and see average traffic
Test Case ID TC001
Autohor/Designer Iiro Peuhkuri
Date of creation 25.3.2024
Class Functional

Test description / objective

Verify that users can select an area and the system accurately calculates average traffic within that area.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Traffic data is loaded into the system. * The interface to select an area (map, dropdowns, etc.) is accessible.

Test steps

  1. Select an Area: * Using the provided interface, define an area of interest. * Example: Draw a region on a map, select a city from a list.
  2. Initiate Calculation: * Trigger the average traffic calculation feature within the system.
  3. Result Verification: * Ensure the system displays a calculated average traffic value. * Validate that the result seems reasonable based on the selected area and general understanding of the traffic data.

Test end-state

  • The average traffic value is calculated and shown in a chosen area.

To be taken into account during test

  • Boundary Cases: Select areas at the edge or fully outside the dataset.
  • Diverse Area Sizes: Test with small, medium, and large areas.
  • Data Validation: If possible, manually calculate the expected average for a few areas to compare against the system's output.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

PASS: * User can select areas using different methods (if applicable). * The system calculates an average traffic value. * The output appears to be correct based on a spot check against the source data.

FAIL: * Selecting areas fails or causes errors. * The system does not calculate an average value, or the value is grossly incorrect.