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AT005 - As a data analyst, I want to export data to csv from the database

Test case description The scenario to be tested
Test case ID AT005
Test case designer Iiro Peuhkuri
Creation date 22.3.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

To ensure the functionality for exporting data from the database to a CSV file is working correctly.

Links to requirements or other sources


The database contains sample data ready for export.

Test Steps

Step 1 -> Navigate to the data export interface in the application or system. Step 2 -> Select the dataset or specify the query for the data to be exported. Step 3 -> Initiate the export process and specify CSV as the export format. Step 4 -> Once the export is complete, download and open the CSV file to verify the data integrity and format.


The data is successfully exported from the database to a CSV file, with all selected or queried data accurately represented.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The CSV file is generated and contains all the requested data from the database, with correct formatting and data integrity maintained. No data is missing or corrupted.
  • FAIL CONDITION: The export process fails to generate a CSV file, generates a file with incorrect or incomplete data, or the data integrity is compromised during the export.