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AT003 - Gitlab Security Dashboard problems mitigated

Test case description Verification of mitigation actions for all identified issues on the GitLab Security Dashboard
Test case ID AT003
Test case designer Iiro Peuhkuri
Creation date 22.3.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

To confirm that all security vulnerabilities and issues reported in the GitLab Security Dashboard have been effectively mitigated, ensuring the integrity and security of the codebase.

Links to requirements or other sources


  • The GitLab project is set up with previously identified security problems listed in the Security Dashboard.

Test Steps

  • Step 1 -> Review the GitLab Security Dashboard for a list of all identified security issues.
  • Step 2 -> Verify that each identified issue has been addressed with a mitigation strategy, either through code changes, configuration updates, or the application of patches.
  • Step 3 -> For each mitigation, ensure there is documented evidence of the fix and a reevaluation of the issue to confirm its resolution.
  • Step 4 -> Conduct a final scan of the project with the GitLab Security Dashboard to ensure no unresolved issues remain.


The GitLab Security Dashboard shows no unresolved security issues, indicating all have been effectively mitigated.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The GitLab Security Dashboard reports no outstanding security issues, confirming that all previously identified problems have been mitigated.
  • FAIL CONDITION: Any unresolved security issues remaining on the GitLab Security Dashboard, indicating incomplete mitigation efforts.