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AT001 - Dark Mode colors don't pop out too much

Test case description Validation of improved dark mode color scheme
Test case ID AT001
Test case designer Iiro Peuhkuri
Creation date 22.3.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

To verify that the updated dark mode color palette is visually comfortable and does not cause elements to pop out excessively, aligning with user expectations and preferences.

Links to requirements or other sources


  • The application is running in dark mode with the previous color settings.

Test Steps

  • Step 1 -> Navigate to the settings and ensure the dark mode is activated.
  • Step 2 -> Check if the background colors are subdued and not overly dark, ensuring text readability.
  • Step 3 -> Verify that primary and secondary colors do not clash and are comfortable for prolonged viewing.
  • Step 4 -> Ensure interactive elements (buttons, links) are distinguishable but not too bright to distract from content.


The application remains in dark mode with the updated color settings, ready for further use or evaluation.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The application's dark mode presents a visually comfortable interface without any colors or elements appearing too vibrant or popping out excessively, across a variety of screens and under different lighting conditions.
  • FAIL CONDITION: Any instance where colors clash, are too bright leading to discomfort, or where readability is compromised due to poor contrast adjustments in the dark mode setting.