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UseCase As a data analyst, I want to export data to csv from the database

  • Author: Miika Tanner
  • Date / Version: 5.4.2024

User roles

  1. User

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Computer or mobile device
  2. Internet access

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. User access tukko by computer or mobile device which is connected to Internet
  2. The user chooses the export as csv
  3. The system generates csv file containing the selected data
  4. The user downloads csv file to computer


  • If connection to database fails, error message is displayed.


  • The Excepted result is created csv file containing the selected data.

Use frequency

  • This use case is used when user wants to get selected data to csv file.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.