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UseCase Localization for Norwegian

  • Author: Miika Tanner
  • Date / Version: 8.4.2024

User roles

  1. New subscriber
  2. Existing subscriber

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Computer or mobile device
  2. Internet access

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use Case

  1. Norwegian speking user access tukko by computer or mobile device which is connected to Internet
  2. The user wants to use tukko in Norwegian
  3. The user change language by language button
  4. Tukko updates its interface to Norwegian
  5. The user is now ready to use tukko in Norwegian


  • If platform doesn't save language change or there is issue with cookies

  • User all ready uses tukko in Norwegian


  • Tukko is operational in swedish, all the function are at disposal and translated to Norwegian. This makes more plesent user experience for Norwegian-speaking users.

Use frequency

  • For Norwegian-speaking user who wants to use tukko in native language this should be one time change. If user wants to change language they can do so many times as they want.

Additional information


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.