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FEA514 Monitor server loads with a GUI

Feature ID FEA514
Subsystem the feature is part of Testing
Responsible person Iiro Peuhkuri
Status Pending


Implementing server load monitoring with a graphical user interface.

All relevant issues related to or contributing to the definition of the feature are gathered here

Use Case 1
Use Case 2
Requirement ReqID
Requirement ReqID

Preliminary user stories

Preliminary user stories

  • US037 As an administrator, I want to monitor server loads with a GUI.#37

*These should be transferred to issue descriptions as soon as possible

User interface mock-up

Add a picture or a link here. The mock-up should be essentially related to the feature/functionality.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 Requirement ID?
Testcase 2 Requirement ID?
Testcase 3 Requirement ID?
Testcase 4 Requirement ID?