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FEA106 Improve dark mode colors

Feature ID FEA106
Subsystem the feature is part of User interface and accessibility
Responsible person Topias Häkli
Status Processing


Improve dark mode colors


Requirements Definitions
Contrast Ratio Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors to improve readability
Consistency Maintain consistency across the interface by using a cohesive color palette
Adaptation Consider how the dark mode colors adapt to different devices and environments

Preliminary user stories

  • US045:As a user, I want the dark mode colors to not pop out as much.#45

User interface mock-up

Add a picture or a link here. The mock-up should be essentially related to the feature/functionality.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 Requirement ID?
Testcase 2 Requirement ID?
Testcase 3 Requirement ID?
Testcase 4 Requirement ID?