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Risk Management Plan

List the risks, assess their severity and probability, and try to consider measures on how the most serious / probable risks could be prevented in advance. In addition, it would be good to have a plan of how to act if the risk materializes. Attach the following section here:

Fill this document during the course when risk comes uprise.

RISK ID Description Impact What to do
RIS001 A team member is away from project for short period of time (Sickness, Urgent appoiment etc) S5 Inform the team immediately.
RIS002 A team member is away from project for longer period of time (More than 1 week) S3 Inform the responsible teacher and the team immediately.
RIS003 A team member leaves the project S2 Meeting between team members and measuring what needs to be changed.
RIS004 A team fails to deliver result end of week/sprint/gate S4 Team must discuss what needs to be done differently. Check issues/workload between members.
RIS005 A team member has problems to deliver their own part for the project or has problems with tasks S4 Open discussion and ask/offer help.
RIS006 The workload is not evenly shared between team members S2 Open discussion and check up team member ability to work with issue(s). Even the workload between team members.
RIS007 Conflicts between team members / stackeholder S3 Open discussion and inform the scrum master if conflict escalates.
RIS008 Problems with communication between team members / stackeholder S3 Open discussion and address problems in communications. Inform the scrum master.
RIS009 A lack of feedback S4 Seek feedback from needed source.
RIS010 Problems having documentations up to date S5 Inform the team members and ask help with documenting
RIS011 Deadline risk S1 Avoid at all cost

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according the project

Severity class Description Other
S1 Maximum The Risk is intense and needs to be addressed
S2 High The Risk is severe and requires immediate attention and action
S3 Medium The Risk is significant but manageable with additional controls or mitigations
S4 Low The Risk is insignificant and can be managed with routine procedures
S5 Negligible The Risk is small, but Team must monitor this