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Project plan

Document Project Plan
Author: Miika Tanner, Tingting Huang
Version: 1.0
Date: 29.1.2023

1. Assignment

1.1 background and starting points

We are a dynamic IT team comprised of six second-year students from the Institute of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences. With a strong foundation in ICT, we possess expertise in various programming languages including C#, JavaScript, and Python. Additionally, we have acquired basic proficiency in database management, Linux administration, and website development, among other areas.

Currently, we are engaged in a collaborative project with Combitech Oy titled "Tukko Traffic Visualizer." This project serves as a platform for us to integrate our diverse skill set and knowledge, promoting team collaboration and communication. Our primary objective is to implement the functionality and performance of Tukko by introducing new features and optimizing its performance.

1.2 Goals and tasks

Our goal is to implement the functionality and performance of Tukko with promised features in a limited time (about 2 – 3 months).

For accomplishing the project, there are several tasks that need to be undertaken:

  • Understanding the core requirements and needs of customers is essential.
  • Gathering ideas and establishing clear project objectives is a key step.
  • Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable units and assigning them to team members ensures efficient execution.
  • Dividing the project into phases with defined key milestones, deliverables, and dependencies helps in structured planning and execution.
  • Identifying the required resources, including human resources (team members), financial resources (cost estimation), and material resources (e.g., software, equipment), is vital for project execution.
  • Producing outputs at various stages of the project to achieve the overall objectives, which may include partial or intermediate results at each stage.
  • Evaluating feedback from testers or customers to measure progress and assess the project's success is an integral part of project management.

1.3 Limitations and interfaces

Due to limited experience in small IT teams and practical project work, progress in the initial stage may be slow. The specific actions required to accomplish tasks may not be clearly defined, leading to uncertainties. As a result, the initial phase may require more time and resources than initially planned due to increased communication needs.

Limited access to knowledge and time constraints hinder the thorough understanding of product features, resulting in varying levels of expertise among team members. Despite having access to predetermined features, constraints on training and team development contribute to a lack of clarity regarding the future direction of the project.

1.4 Rights and IPR

The rights and IRP of "Tukko Traffic Visualizer." project are specified in the project contract.

1.5 terms and definitions

Tukko Traffic Visualizer: A software product created as a component of the Future Factory course project at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, aimed at displaying traffic situations with diverse functionalities including range selection, language settings, and light modes.

Objectives: Collaboratively implement functions as a team, utilizing both backend and frontend coding expertise, following instructions provided on GitHub as a reference.

Sprint: Sprint work periods are defined as one week, during which a planning meeting is conducted to outline the tasks to be accomplished within the sprint timeframe.

Terms and definitions will be refined and established gradually throughout the project's progression.

A risk of inadequate technical comprehension and knowledge among team members.

Time constraints results in limited availability for project tasks.

2. Project organization

2.1 Organization

Team Hopbit comprises six members: Miika Tanner, Tingting Huang, Anni Orilähde, Iiro Peuhkuri, Emils Bagirov, and Topias Häkli. Combitech Oy serves as the product owner and mentor. The team's primary task at IoTitude is to leverage public traffic APIs in the development of an open-source service named Tukko - Traffic Visualizer.

Structure of Project Organization in MindMap form

uml diagram

2.2 Responsibilities and decision-making process

Project Group

Name responsibility Company/Community
Iiro Peuhkuri Tester Team Hopbit
Miika Tanner Team Lead Team Hopbit
Anni Orilähde Security Team Hopbit
Topias Häkli Development Team Hopbit
Emils Bagirov Operations Team Hopbit
Tingting Huang General Team Hopbit

Board Members

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Marko Rintamäk Product Owner, Responsible for communication JAMK
Reima Parviainen Product Owner, Responsible for communication with the primary customer (Combitech) and companies JAMK
Sini Karvonen Primary Client Combitech Finland
Jarmo Luostarinen Primary Client Combitech Finland

Support Group

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Juho Pekki Ops Support JAMK
NarsuMan Test Support JAMK
Justus Hänninen Dev Support JAMK
Iftakhar Husan Dev Support JAMK
Lauri Huuva Dev Support JAMK
Alena Test Support JAMK
Karri Päivärinta Sec Support JAMK

2.3.Project Steps and Financial Objectives

The project timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the project schedule.

For updates and progress details, please refer to the current status page.

A preview of the budget estimation is outlined below in section 3.2.

2.4.Quality verification

Detailed information regarding application testing and quality assurance can be found in the Master Test Plan. The final approval of all features rests with the Product Owner.

2.5.Communication and tracking of project progress

The project's progress is outlined in the current status page, which is updated at the conclusion of each sprint.

Coomunication tools/channels: Discord, Teams meeting and weekly meetings.

2.6.The end of the project

The targeted delivery date is April 30, 2024. The conclusion of the project event has not yet been determined (upcoming).

3. Project's temporal Gates

3.1 Partitioning and Phase

GANT using PlantUML

uml diagram

Milestone - Gate 0

  • Team Construction

  • Team Leader Selection

  • Familiar with the project

  • Installment of application

  • Setting up the enviroment for VM

  • Dividing up the types of phases

Milestone - Gate 1

  • Task Breakdown: The project plan outlines a preliminary task division.

  • Links to Materials: Access additional documents via links within the project plan.

  • Current and Updated Project Plan: The project plan is prepared, current, and regularly maintained.

  • Phase Prioritization: Determination of included features and decision-making process.

  • Sharing Information Across Project Components: Dissemination of information regarding different project components.

  • Analysis of User Stories from the Initial Phase: Discussion and examination of user stories.

  • Inclusion of Risk Management Plan: The project plan incorporates the risk management plan.

  • Selection of Main Features through Deliberation: Key functions/features are chosen following thorough discussions.

Milestone - Gate 2

  • Develop and Implement Service as defined features

Milestone - Gate 3

  • Validation Testing in Service Testing: Quality assurance, users feedback.

Milestone - Gate 4

  • Finalizing the project and releasing the final result of project.

3.2 Project preliminary cost estimate

Presenting a cost estimate with a table:

4. Quality assurance

4.1 Approval of intermediate and results

Every task or issue will be assigned to 2 or 3 team members. The work that have been done will be marked on the issue board and reviewed by team administrator or team leaders by following weekly meeting.

4.2 Manage changes

Version control and updated in Gitlab.

4.3 Documentation

All up-to-date information and project process will be recorded in Current Status.

4.4 Risk management

  • Risk management table lists and identifies possible risks associated with the project, following upon risk management plan in how to react and deal with different situations.

4.5 Reviewing Policy

Each completed task will be inspected together by team members weekly.

4.6 Complementary plans for the project plan

4.7 Plans for review and updating

Information of project will be regularly updated upon onging actions.

Milesone and Srint status will be updated timely.

Up-to-date Documentation.

4.8 Project Suspension Criteria

The Right Project Plan also includes the project's suspension criteria.However, these are not used in student projects because projects use a certain number of hours to make a result and the result will be released as it is at the end of the course.However, the project team makes a further development plan that a potential new project continues.

5. Communication and tracking of project progression (communication plan)

5.1 Communication Plan

Communication Pan

6. The end of the project

6.1 Delivery of the end product, introduction

Product installation and service intruction, customer's training and other necessary information will be included in the Project end report.

6.2 Taxation of the project produced by the project, archiving and retention period

All important documents will be archived.

6.3 Official termination of the project

The project ends April 30, 2024, when the project contract expires.

6.4 Termination

A celebration event will be arranged at the end of the project for cheering the successful completetion of a work.

6.5 Project Final Report

During the final management team meeting, we will discuss the details and content of the final report, which will illustrate the challenges, achievements, and outcomes encountered throughout the project's progression as a team.