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Current Status

Team should update this status report every sprint.

Gitlab Board and issues

Last day Date 22.4.2024

What has been achieved 22.4.2024 Monday

Today is last day of Future Factor. After lunch we had last meting with Narsu where four teams showed progress in this project. We were one of these teams and showed our results. After the meting we made last updates and closed our virtual machines and sayed goodbyes to our team members.

Status of sprint 06 Date 19.4.2024

What has been achieved 19.4.2024 Friday

Today we did your project end report and Sprint 06 Review + Retrospective.

Status of sprint 06 Date 15.4.2024

What has been achieved 15.4.2024 Monday

Today is Demo day. At morning we had some problems with tukko backend but we got some help to it and tukko was working for demo. Demos went very well and we got some good feedback to our project.

Status of sprint 06 Date 12.4.2024

What has been achieved 12.4.2024 Friday

Today we made some last minute changes to Tukko. We had some bad luck with our testing site it didn't want to work at the morning for some reason. But team got our service work and made our demo ready to use in monday. Some demo day documentation had to be finished.

Status of sprint 05 Date 5.4.2024

What has been achieved 5.4.2024 Friday

Today was sprint 5 review. This sprint was very short because easter. Morning went with working on features and documentation. Rest of day when with sprint review and alpha cards. Today was pretty slow day.

Status of sprint 05 Date 25.3.2024

What has been achieved 25.3.2024 Monday

Day started with daily scrum. Today we planned sprint 5 and check our current status with project. Rest of day we work on features and we finished our csv feature.

Status of sprint 04 Date 22.3.2024

What has been achieved 22.3.2024 Monday

Morning started with project status check. Couple teams where chosen to show what they have done. After status check we work on our issues. 14.00 we had sprint 4 review where couple teams showed there issue board and we were one of these teams. Narsu gived us important feedback on our issue board and how gitlab should be looking. After this we made some improvements and called a day.

Status of sprint 04 Date 18.3.2024

What has been achieved 18.3.2024 Monday

Today was no ordinary day because we finally had lunch with our team members. Unfortunately every team member could not participate but it was nice to see members live. Rest of day when by companies telling about what they do and what you should study if you are intrested about that line of work.

Status of sprint 04 Date 15.3.2024

What has been achieved 15.3.2024 Monday

Today was sprint 4 working day. Team got yours gitlab runner to work and made some improvements in dark mode. Issues that we started to work on are US003 As a data analyst, I want to export data to csv from the database, US004 As a customer I want secure authentication mechanisms, such as password hashing and session management, to protect user accounts. WE allso got our localization for swedish to done. We made today great progress.

Status of sprint 03 Date 8.3.2024

What has been achieved 8.3.2024 Monday

Today is sprint 3 review which means our issue board updated. Todays main userstory to get working was gitlab security dashboard which we did get to work but not all areas of it. Then we had sprint 3 review where we cheked our sprint work and closed finished issues.

Do we have a problems/challenges? problems with gitlab runner

Status of sprint 03 Date 4.3.2024

What has been achieved 4.3.2024 Monday

Morning started with sprint 3 planning. Where team divided work between members. First feature we started to work for is US051 Gitlab security dashboard. This feauture created some problems with gitlab pipeline. Pipeline stoped working after started security dashboard was running. Problem was we didn't have gitlab runner. Rest of day went with gitlab runner make it work.

Do we have a problems/challenges? problems with gitlab runner

Status of sprint 02 Date 23.2.2024

What has been achieved 19.2.2024 Monday

Morning started with daily srcum where we assessment of our situation before G1 review. Before review we finished our documentation. Review was 2 hours long zoom where was every team and customer allso. Rest of day went with sprint 2 review and retrospective.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No curent problems

Status of sprint 02 Date 19.2.2024

What has been achieved 19.2.2024 Monday

Morning started with daily srcum.Then we started to write features descriptions. After lunch we had Iiro Uusitalo's SEC coach session. Session had great information about cyber security. We got our features desciptions finished and moved to assing features between team. Rest of day when with feature cost estimation.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No curent problems

Next steps Update documentation

Status of sprint 02 Date 16.2.2024

What has been achieved 16.2.2024 Monday

At the morning meting we talked about what got done between last meting. Then was meting with coaches from Gofore and talk about userstorys and project working. Team had meting with Narsu where we got great advice how to manage backlog and other documents. Rest of day went in documentation.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No curent problems

Next steps Update documentation

Status of sprint 02 Date 12.2.2024

What has been achieved 12.2.2024 Monday

At the morning meting we got good news Tukko and docker is working. We used planning poker to estimate our working hours per feature and who is doing features. Rest of day went in documentation and team working.

Do we have a problems/challenges? No curent problems

Next steps

Status of sprint 01 Date 9.2.2024

What has been achieved 9.2.2024 Monday

Morning started with essence alpha where team review our current status. Today is last day of sprint 01 and team had sprint review. In review we closed all the issues which are done. End of day we had retrospective where team talked about how to work better in next sprint.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

We still have some docker issue

Next steps

Get the docker working and get documentation ready.

Status of sprint 01 Date 5.2.2024

What has been achieved 5.2.2024 Monday

The team got docker working with virtaul machines.Frontend of tukko is running.Communication plan is done. We chose the user stories that we want to do during the project.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

We got app running but it doesn't get data from database. This will be resolved

Next steps

Fix data problem.

Status of sprint 01 Date 2.2.2024

What has been achieved 2.2.2024 Monday

The morning started with our daily team Scrum. Our team was litlle bit of confused about virtual machines and how docker is used. Our team had great meating with coach who clerify situation with virtual machines. Team had great improment with documentation and docker.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Litlle problems with docker

Status of sprint 01 Date 29.1.2024

What has been achieved 29.1.2024 Monday

First day of sprint 01. Day started with creating issue board for sprint 01 and copying issues from backlog. Issues were weight by priority and started working on issues.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Next steps

Ask help for docker.

Status of sprint 00 Date 26.1.2024

What has been achieved 26.1.2024 Friday

The team had last day of sprint 00 when all the completed issues were reviewed and closed. CSC enviroment is up and running first virtual machines are created. Docker is litlle bit confusing for the team.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

How to use docker

Next steps

Learn more about docker and virtual machines Get docker up and running in virtual machines and documentation update

Status of sprint 00 Date 22.1.2024

What has been achieved 22.1.2024 Monday

The morning started with our daily team Scrum, where we gathered to discuss the day's agenda and activities. Customer talked about our assignment and info about product we are working for. Then was time for team working on sprint 00 where most important part was to know customers and product better. We learn a lot of customers product and had very productive week.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Next steps

Get to know customers product better

Status of sprint 00 Date 19.1.2024

What has been achieved 19.1.2024 Friday

On friday we began day with first daily scrum where we decided our communication platfroms. Then was time for surveys to know our team skill levels in different technology skills. Then we started to create issue board and make our own backlog for issues. After issue board was ready we talked about our roles in team and we decided to go with Miika Tanner Team lead, Anni Otilähde Sec, Iiro Pehkuri Test, Topias Häkli Dev, Emils Bagirovs Ops and Huang Tingting Gen. Rest of day we work on issues. We haved great first two days on this project.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No problems for now

Next steps

Status of sprint 00 Date 15.1.2024

What has been achieved 15.1.2024 Monday

First day of Future Factor started with introduction to course. Introduction covered a lot of information how to work on this course and basic of project working. We got to know your team members first time and your roles in team. We moved on to Teams and had 10 min introduction meting get to know members of team. Then we moved to gitlab where we got our project core and invited all members to core. Then was time for Discord to get team channel working and members to join. After lunch introduction continued with all coaches and pear students introduced themselves. Rest of day was team working.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

assignment hasn't been revealed we were litlle bit confused

  • Lost at the moment, confusion about the project

Next steps

Wait for friday and get more information